KiddoHealth:KiddoHealth is an application that help parents keep track of the vaccination needs of their children .A parent has to register the child on the Android APP or the web application of KiddoHealth and a vaccination calendar immediately gets generated for each child so registered on parent’s id.Scheduled reminders on the registered mobile number of the parent are sent by way of SMS. These SMS are sent a day in advance of the due date of the vaccine This keeps a parent free from keeping manual vaccination records of the child that are hitherto being kept in the traditional system.The child can be registered either by the parent, doctor or the hospital and record updated at any end gets updated on the registered id of the user . Vaccination records are thereby digitized.How do Parents get benefited?:They get benefited as they get scheduled reminders on the due dates of vaccines due to the child registered on their id. The benefit is seen when the complete records of the due dates and the dates when the vaccines were given are available on their mobile phones.It thus helps a parent by reminding him of the various dates when he has to visit a paediatrician or a health centre to administer the vaccines to the kiddo.The vaccines to be provided to the child are shown by dates as well as by the vaccine names. Child Vaccination Schedule:If you don’t want SMS, just key in the DOB of the child any time and get a schedule of the various vaccines along with the dates when they fall due. The chart so generated is as per the latest IAP recommendations. Vaccination Records Digitized: Say goodbye to the hitherto issued manual chart of your kiddos vaccination , maintain them digitally on kiddohealth. Update the dates when vaccines were given and the same are available as and when needed in future.Child records digitized:Maintain the birth record of your child by completing the profile details like time of birth, Blood group of the child, weight at the time of birth. Update his/her photo and update the records of his/her parents like their DOB, name and Blood group.Disclaimer:We are a service provider assisting the parents remember and digitize the vaccination records of their child . WHO recognizes that Immunization can protect against 25 different infectious agents or diseases, from infancy to old age, including diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio and tetanus. It estimates that active immunization currently averts 2 to 3 million deaths every year. Thus, by vaccinating the child one can, to a certain extent, eradicate life-threatening illnesses and diseases from one’s child’s life. However there could be physical and emotional affects on a child both during and after vaccinations The immunizations that are offered, in theory, offer ten year protection against diphtheria and tetanus, with a three year shield form whooping cough. However with some, such as whooping cough, children who catch it later in life will experience a much milder form than those not vaccinated in their early years. Most vaccinations are given by an injection into the child and are relatively pain free, especially at such a young age, when resistance by the child is low. Also, by vaccinating one’s child before they start pre-school or nursery, diseases that are contagious can be kept at bay, which alongside being beneficial for the child, can have a positive affect on the wider community of the area. It is always argued that the benefits of childhood immunization far outweigh the relatively small risks of the side effects of such injections.
Nice app
Great App